Persimmon Fruit - Vitamin-rich and Healthy
Which tree does the persimmon fruit actually come from? Can you grow persimmons yourself as a plant or tree? What to do if the persimmon has brown spots? What ingredients make the persimmon fruit so valuable? Can a hard persimmon ripen? Can you eat the peel of a persimmon? Recipe for colorful fruit salad recipe Recipe for persimmon coconut ice cream recipe Dessert with yogurt and persimmon recipeThe persimmon fruit originates from Asia, where it has been cultivated as a robust and popular plant for over 2000 years. It belongs to the family of date plums and ebony trees. There are more than 500 known varieties in total, mainly thriving in tropical and subtropical regions. In our fruit and vegetable stores or supermarkets, you'll usually find the orange-colored fruits of the persimmon tree (Diospyros kaki), which resemble tomatoes in shape. When fully ripe, they taste delightfully sweet and aromatic. As the fruit ripens, the flesh becomes softer, almost liquid. The relatively firm skin of the persimmon still holds the soft flesh together, and after cutting, it can be easily scooped out like a delicious dessert. If the persimmon is not ripe yet, it tastes astringent and leaves a furry feeling on the tongue. This is due to the presence of tannins, which are still in too high a concentration in the fruit when it is hard.
Which tree does the persimmon fruit actually come from?
The persimmon tree (Diospyros kaki) thrives best in tropical and subtropical regions, where it originally comes from. However, robust cultivars of this plant can also be grown in our latitudes. Especially in Spain, but also in Greece and other Mediterranean countries, trees of Diospyros kaki have been cultivated for some time. A persimmon tree can grow to be 10 to 20 meters or taller. In shape, it is roughly comparable to an apple tree. The young branches of Diospyros kaki show a dense hairiness, which can also be present on the undersides of the leaves.
Flowers develop on the persimmon tree from late spring into summer. The tree produces both female and male flowers. These can either grow together on one specimen of the plant or be dioecious, distributed on different plants (depending on the variety). The fruit is formed both with and without pollination. If no pollination occurred, the fruit does not produce seeds. Persimmon fruits with seeds are usually a bit larger.
Known as cultivated forms or varieties of persimmon are, among others, the honey apple, the persimmon, and the seedless Sharon fruit. The Sharon fruit contains little tannin and can be consumed as a hard fruit.
Can you grow persimmons yourself as a plant or tree?
You can easily grow a persimmon tree from a seed. For this, the seed first needs a cold stimulus. This stratification can be achieved by storing the seed in the refrigerator for about 14 days. Afterward, it is planted in potting soil and placed in a warm location with sufficient water where young plants can develop. However, the seedling of this plant takes several years before bearing fruit.
For gardening in our latitudes, a cold-hardy persimmon is best suited. For garden cultivation, the cold-hardy variety Diospyros virginiana is recommended. It is suitable for outdoor cultivation even outside winegrowing areas. If the garden is in an area with harsh winters, the variety Diospyros Lotus is recommended. It is very robust and is often used as a grafting rootstock. The best time to harvest this delicious fruit from the local garden is after the first frost.
What to do if the persimmon has brown spots?
If a persimmon has brown spots, it is not necessarily a sign that it is no longer edible. If the fruit still feels firm and smells good, it can be consumed without hesitation.
What ingredients make the persimmon fruit so valuable?
Persimmons contain many valuable nutrients, including:
- Beta-carotene
- Vitamin C
- Vitamins B1, B2, and B3
- High levels of potassium and iron
- As well as the minerals sodium and calcium
Other valuable components include tannins, carotenoids, flavanols, and anthocyanidins. The fruit has cholesterol-lowering, anti-atherosclerotic, and antioxidant effects. Its antioxidant effects are enhanced when the fruit is heated.
Can a hard persimmon ripen?
Yes, if it is stored for a while. It is beneficial to store it near other fruits like apples or pears.
Can you eat the peel of a persimmon?
The skin of the persimmon is edible, although somewhat firm. If the fruits are not peeled, they should be thoroughly washed before eating.
Recipe for colorful fruit salad
1 handful
nuts or roasted pumpkin seeds
2 tsp
sugar (can also be brown sugar, birch sugar or maple syrup)
a few drops
cognac for a special aroma
lemon juice or orange juice
Fruit of your choice: bananas, grapes, apples, pears, strawberries, melon, citrus fruits, pineapple
Recipe for persimmon and coconut ice cream
1 can
coconut milk
1 tsp
Dessert with yogurt and persimmon
ripe khakis, depending on size
1 tsp