Japanese Bunka Knives
Bunka, the Japanese Santoku Knife for True Japan Enthusiasts
The shape of the Bunka has remained as it was developed. The purpose of its development was to create a Japanese knife that is very sharp, yet light and versatile to handle. It's the Japanese knife for the fisherman who needs to work quickly and safely in tight spaces. Even today, the Bunka knife is often used on fishing boats. While the Santoku knife was adapted to Western preferences, the Japanese Bunka knife has retained its original form more than almost any other Japanese knife.
165 mm to 170 mm Razor-Sharp Blade
The Bunka knife has four distinct characteristics:
- Maneuverability
- the relatively wide blade
- the tip
- the gently curved cutting edge
These features are what make the Japanese Bunka knife so versatile in its applications. Almost all kitchen tasks can be performed very effectively with the Bunka. It can be perfectly controlled, is very sharp, and requires little effort. In our range, you can also find more than one Japanese Bunka knife that is better protected against rust than is typical for traditionally made Japanese knives.