Gyokko, led by Mr. Yoshitaka Umehara, is a grand master of classical Japanese pottery. His primary focus lies in crafting Japanese teapots, known as Kyusu, in the Tokoname Yaki style, which is highly esteemed worldwide. Mr. Umehara has received numerous awards for his artistry, including accolades such as the 'Japan Sencha Art,' 'Choza-Sho Pottery Exhibition,' 'Encourage Prize,' the "Outstanding Craftsmen" award, among others.
His pottery is characterized by beautiful, well-proportioned shapes, meticulous perfection, and captivating details that often inspire awe. Moreover, Gyokko excels in the intricate art of "firing," utilizing traditional Japanese kilns. Through the process of "reduction firing," he achieves unusual, shifting color tones as well as beautiful, consistent colors. The essential material required for this process, a pure natural product called Shudei, is a red clay with a high iron content directly sourced from Tokoname.
However, Gyokko's pottery is not only aesthetically pleasing but also practical. To facilitate easy tea pouring, Gyokko integrates a ceramic strainer with over 400 hand-pierced holes, which tea connoisseurs appreciate even more than stainless steel strainers.
Each item is a uniquely handcrafted masterpiece.