At the heart of Fukui Prefecture, where the centuries-old traditions of Echizen lacquerware are deeply rooted, lies the creative hub of Tsuchinao Lacquerware. This skilled ensemble, located in Kawada, Sabae, forms a symphony of master craftsmen proficient in various lacquering techniques. With a team of 15 dedicated artisans, twelve of whom devote their hearts and hands to crafting, Tsuchinao embodies the perfect symbiosis of traditional craftsmanship and modern innovative spirit.
The products of Tsuchinao are a living testament to skill and dedication. The workshop itself is a microcosm where craftsmanship and creative freedom unite to create timeless works of art. Traditional techniques are upheld by a first-class master and a traditional artisan, while the younger members of the team, including five female artisans, bring fresh perspectives to the old methods. This dynamic blend of experienced veterans and refreshing ideas from the younger generation leads to unique creations that reflect both appreciation for tradition and enthusiasm for innovation.
Each piece from Tsuchinao is a unique masterpiece, born from the skillful fusion of traditional craftsmanship and modern design.