Minimalism as a Lifestyle and in Design
The common interpretation of minimalism when it comes to lifestyle is - in short - simplification, more self-awareness, and freedom through renunciation. It implies renouncing consumption. One might question whether there's a fundamental contradiction between renunciation and the increase in self-awareness and freedom. It's also permissible to ask whether the decision to live minimally necessarily entails restriction and the accompanying emotions. From the rules that apply in the world of design, we have derived a different interpretation of minimalism. We formulate in a way that, from our perspective, is much closer to positive feelings and sensations. Minimalism is the focus on the essential.
"Less is more" expresses that it should be possible to set aside the insignificant to free up space for the essential. Or to eliminate burdensome things to perceive enriching ones. Whether one adopts this orientation, whether it be a rule for form, design, cooking recipes, product decisions, or one's entire life, is the free choice of free people.
"The New Objectivity" was an idea that served as the basis for the founders of the "Bauhaus". And the architects and designers who followed this idea - perhaps without primarily intending it - created a new emotional dimension. Purist design, minimalist design revealed a high and very intense emotional component that was perceived as liberating and enriching. Less is indeed more when I can perceive and enjoy what is there more consciously and intensely. Less is indeed more when fewer products are created with more passion, enthusiasm, and craftsmanship. Less is indeed more when this less is more valued, receives better care and attention, and accompanies us longer.
And how much is just enough? Probably, this can only be found out with one's own awareness. For each person, the limit sits at a different point. Without awareness, one "unnoticed" crosses the limit and feels burdened instead of enriched. If one engages intensely with oneself, one's life, and one's needs, with things that are valuable, created with attention and appreciation rather than with cheap mass-produced goods, one is likely to get much closer to one's awareness. Asking questions like: "How important is it to me?", "Is the product designed for sustainability and longevity?", "Is timeless beauty better than currently in fashion?", "Will I likely enjoy it for a long time?"

"Mottainai", the Feeling of Regret
Renunciation or a healthy balance? Does the good sense of living relate to whether one has achieved harmony between oneself and nature? "Mottainai" is a difficult-to-translate Japanese word. It expresses the feeling of regret that arises from wastefulness. And it touches a sensitive point. Poorly processed, cheaply produced products that sometimes harm our health and have a short lifespan are often an unnecessary waste of resources. Aren't the products that are made for a long life, with love, passion, and a lot of effort, the better ones?
The Quality of Handcraft

Product Quality and Excellent Design
If a manufacturer manages to combine excellent design and sustainable production quality in a product, this deserves our highest respect. When selecting our ORYOKI products, this is an important criterion so that our customers can derive a lot of utility as well as long-lasting joy and great pleasure from their purchase at ORYOKI. Sustainability must work on a practical level - utility - as well as on the emotional level. Then we reach our goal, can free ourselves from the unimportant, and focus on the essential. Very important: How many favorite pieces benefit us is something we can only decide for ourselves.

Kamasada Cast Iron Pan - an Example of Minimalism in Japanese Product Design
A wonderful example of minimalist design. This pan eschews frills and any material mix. Plastics are out of the question, and even wood would limit the versatile usability of the product, as it would no longer be suitable for open fire and the oven. Perfect harmony in circular form. Small irregularities, such as at the edges, are merely signs of genuine craftsmanship.
Soup Bowl/Rice Bowl Mari, Red
Symbolic of Japan is the Mari Soup Bowl, another example of a minimalist masterpiece. Ornamentation and decorations would disrupt this bowl, entirely handcrafted, distracting from the beautifully lacquered surface with Urushi. This bowl is - as simple as it is - perfect and proudly bears the stamp of the manufacturer on its bottom.