Pan pizza - pizza from the cast iron pan

Pan pizza, also known as "Pan Pizza," is a type of pizza that, unlike traditional Italian pizza, is known for its thicker, crispy crust. It is baked in a deep dish or large pan, which is greased with some oil. This gives its crust its characteristic thickness, making it deliciously crispy and airy. The origins of pan pizza can be traced to the USA, where Italian immigrants have been spreading their traditional dish for a long time. Pizza chains now offer creative variations of it worldwide, including crusts filled with cheese, adding an extra intense flavor to the pizzas.
What type of pan is suitable for my pan pizza?
Due to their excellent heat conductivity and retention, cast-iron pans are particularly well-suited for pan pizza. The dough is evenly baked thanks to the uniform heat distribution, resulting in a crispy texture throughout. The robustness and durability of cast-iron pans also make them a worthwhile investment. They can withstand high temperatures during pizza baking without warping or breaking. Additionally, cast-iron pans possess natural non-stick properties. The natural patina prevents the dough or filling from sticking, ensuring that the finished pizza can be easily released from the pan.
Heat the pizza in the pan:
Many people enjoy cold leftover pizza, but to reheat it and restore its delicious crispiness, there's a simple trick. Instead of using the oven or microwave, reheat the leftovers in a cast-iron pan. For a crispy crust, add a few drops of olive oil to the pan and heat the stove to medium. Now, place the pizza slices in the pan and cover with a lid. The heat is better retained with a closed lid, and the pizza warms up more quickly from the top. Be cautious when adjusting the stove temperature, as the pizza crust can quickly burn at too high heat.
Recipe for pizza from the pan

500 g
250 ml
Lukewarm water
1 cube
1 pinch
1 teaspoon
2 tablespoon
Olive oil
Tomato sauce
Cheese (shredded mozzarella or grated pizza cheese)
Topping of your choice (salami, ham, mushrooms, tomato, red onions)